Sales Pages

(This one is 90% complete)

(I started from scratch on my own page with regards to the copywriting)


Ad 1:

You know what I hate?  And I mean hate.

Is witnessing the amazing people in my life…

Who have SO much to give to the world…

So much impact to make…

So much money to be made for their family's future…

But they're just spinning their wheels in the same exact place…

Sometimes for years.

They read books, take courses, hire certain coaches…

Only to find that they haven't moved the needle one bit.

They're missing clarity…

They're missing structure…

And they're busy…


Busy with all the wrong things.

So guess what happens.

Distractions take over…

Money bleeds to no avail…

Stress ensues…






Success doesn't need to be difficult.

It doesn't even need to take a lot of time.

The interesting thing that I hear from my clients all over the world…

The Netherlands, UK, Australia, Czech Republic, US…

They all say the same thing…

Once they gained clarity…

And the systems to back that clarity up…

Their impact skyrocketed…

And so did their income.

This is what I do…

And in VERY short order.

My clients bring in more money than they ever have…

And in a matter of weeks!

They call me their business coach…

They call me their life coach…

They call me their systems and processes guru…

I just call myself someone who guides them to reach the impact and finances that they were
intended to in this world…

With half the effort.

Freedom comes from clarity…

And from automated systems to free up your time.

I'd be so honored to chat about how I can do that for you…

Or anyone you know who is busy…

But busy with all the wrong things…

Or just plain stuck and not moving forward at all.

Dreams are meant to be realized.

I'm here to help, precious friends.  

Schedule a chat with me below and watch your dreams be realized.

Ad 2:

It. Breaks. My. Heart…

To see the teens of the world contemplating suicide…

Because bullies are targeting them…

Simply because they have acne.

To see the precious people in my life who have such a powerful message to share…

Such a massive impact to make...

But are too insecure to get out there and share it…

Because they don’t feel confident in their own skin.

To hear my friends talk about how “ugly” they are…

And they aren't willing to even go on dates…

To find the love of their life...

Out of fear of rejection…

Because they are embarrassed about the way their skin looks.

It doesn’t need to be this way.

We don’t have to let our skin dictate our future.

This is what I help people around the world with…

Every. Single. Day.

I’ve been brought to happy tears watching the emotional transformation.

Watching someone go from deep insecurity…

To unstoppable confidence.

They’re entire world changes!

I’ve witnessed increases in finances…

Higher quality love relationships…

A release of mum guilt because they’re not snapping at their children…

All because they’ve experienced a massive boost in their confidence.

And it started with understanding how to heal their skin.

You’re not alone.

We’re in this together.

I’d be more than honored to hop on a quick call with you to assess your skin…

And sort through the best solution for you, sweet friend.

Click the button to schedule your 15-minute chat.

Cheers to making your confidence a priority.

Because that’s where the magic happens.

Ad 3:

Ever feel just flat out sick of the fact that we can’t even...

go for a jog alone…

take our children to the park…

or even let the plummer into our home…

without fear of being harassed, attacked or abducted?

It shouldn’t have to be this way…

Yet 1 in 3 women will be attacked in her lifetime, and nearly 100% of us will be harassed in some way...

...and you know what? 

It's making us feel like we constantly have to look over our shoulder...and that's just plain wrong. 

Is that really living? 

Let’s turn that around, shall we?

I've taught over 80,000 women throughout the world street-smart self-defense that empowers them to be their own shero.

After fighting off a known predator, I realized these skills could help other women to have full confidence that they could do the same. 

Women who were a little too late in learning these skills told me they felt...

Deep anxiety and grief from the aftermath of the attack…

Shame from being a mother who didn't know what to do to protect her child

Sheer panic of having no clue what to do when unexpectedly facing an uncomfortable or dangerous situation. 

It doesn’t have to be that way.

Let’s get you that sweet peace of mind, sister!

Learn self-defense right from home!

Step 1: Sign up

Step 2: Start your training

Step 3: Enjoy a life full of confidence, freedom and peace! 

Become the woman who has the full certainty to be able to protect yourself and your family.

Join the countless women around the world who have shared their stories of, not only how the Total Peace of Mind course saved their own lives, but also how…

Graciously they handled those uncomfortable situations like someone getting a bit too handsy at the company holiday party…

Assertively someone at the bar pulling them on the dance floor and not taking “No” for an answer.  

Or the man following a bit too closely behind them on the sidewalk.

Join this journey with me, and become your own shero!

Ad 4:


And we’re not talkin’ your kids’ swing set.

Happy wife, happy life...sure…

But happy husband…

Even better.

Almost 19 years and 4 kids later... things are still HOT.

But it wasn’t always.

From virgin bride to exhausted housewife…

I needed some help.

Essential oils aren’t just for smellin’ good, darlin.

Just like you get dressed in the morning…

Sensation essential oil can help you get UNdressed at night (wink wink)...

Click the button below  to get your little magic potion! (blushing emoji)...

It’s as easy as putting on your lip balm...

Get ready to have your mind blown!

Organic Social Media Captions

Post 1: My Brand

My Goodness 2020.  What a freaking year you were.

My greatest tailspin followed by my greatest triumph.

One day back in May, I was up against the wall in a way I've never experienced before.  

Oh I sure have experienced & overcome fear in my life…

Being faced with overcoming a psychotic attacker over 20 years ago was one of those times…

But this time felt different.

I was at the brink of losing my business…

My entire soul's mission.

I had cashed out every single dollar in my retirement fund to put toward saving lives around the world…

And I launched with full confidence.

And then our little friend COVID peeked his head around the corner and gave me a wink as I saw my entire sense of stability 
come crashing down.  

Oh that day was a rough one for me…

Rock bottom as they say.

But the most precious day of my life was the day following.

Rather than drowning in the fear of how to survive…

I shifted my focus to the many lives I've already helped save.

I focused outside of myself, and onto the millions of people I knew I could help.

And that's when it happened...  

My thinking became more resourceful…

And I came up with strategic ways to help women understand how to not go through what I went through.

How to protect herself and her family.

We NEVER think it will happen to us, but the statistics are there for a reason.

1 in 3 women will be attacked in her lifetime.

80% of the time it's by someone we know.

Most women report that they do not have a plan or the skills to overcome an uncomfortable or dangerous situation.

It costs each victim an average of $150,000 in medical bills, therapy, lost wages, and all the random costs associated 
with not knowing how to overcome an attack.

THIS is why my mission continues and I will never stop…

No matter what I face in my own personal life.

This is my soul's mission for a reason.

Thank you to all of my one-on-one clients, groups and teams that have leaned in my teachings…

You are how we turn these statistics around…

And I sleep better at night knowing you will, without a shadow of a doubt, make it home safely to your families every night. 

I'm celebrating with you in that.

I'm so extremely grateful to continue this mission in full force, and sharing it with anyone who is ready to make their 
personal safety a priority.  

I love you all…

Words can't even begin to express how blessed I felt with all of your love and support. 

SO many of you jumped in on that day back in May, and took a stand for me when I needed it most.

I'm standing strong and grateful, and just know that


I'm here for you if you EVER need me.

Post 2: A Client's Brand

Isn't it amazing how we can go through an entire day...

And forget to breathe?

I mean actually taking a full breath...

The kind of breath that our bodies are meant to take.

It wasn't until I became a yoga practitioner that I realized how much of a problem this was for the majority of people.

You know how when we repeat something over and over again...

It turns into muscle memory?

Where we don't have to even think about it.

It happens automatically without a conscious thought.

Well you see...

Practicing yoga on a regular basis develops that muscle memory with your breath...

Where you take those full, cleansing breaths automatically throughout the day...

And believe me when I tell you that the statistics and research scream out loud...

That quality breathing can help you prevent so many health issues and diseases.

Shallow breathing increases both blood pressure and your heart rate…

Among many other health issues.

So go practice that yoga soul friend...

So you can develop your breath pattern...

And breath in life in a way you've never experienced before.

PS. I have a few openings for some new one-on-one clients, and I'd love one of those to be you.  

Let's shift the future of your health...


Post 3: A Client's Brand

She was my all…

My everything…

My heartbeat…

She was my best friend…

She was a bright light in a dark room…

Then I was living life alone…

I never got to say goodbye…

She was ripped away from me too soon…

And I was alone…

I searched…

And I searched...

And I searched…

For a community that would hold me up when I needed it the most.

And by my faith in God…

And the prayers of many…

I walk today…

And God laid a precious community right at my feet…

For me to be wrapped in love…

And be able to step into my own power…

So I could heal myself…

So I could help others...

So I could make the impact that I was meant to make in this world…

And I know my daughter is proud…

Looking down on me from the Heavens above.

Young Living isn’t just about oils & health…

It’s about community.

It’s the type of community where we hold space for one another…

We help impact the world as a sisterhood…

It would be my deepest honor…

And fill my soul…

To share this very special community with you.

Because the truth is…

We all need love…

And we need connection.

I’m here for you…

We’re for you…

I’d love for you to reach out privately to me…

So I can introduce you to my amazing soul family.

Post 4: My Brand

I bought a $5 rock that 2 little boys picked up in a field. 

Did I need this rock?

That would be a resounding No.

So why would I spend $5 on something that I could grab for free? 

Here's why: 

These 2 little 6 & 7 year old boys walked up my driveway with their roller backpack in tow…

One said, "Excuse me ma'am?

We happen to have a rock business. 

We sell very unique rocks.

We have small ones and large ones. 

The coolest part about the large rocks is that they can hold down your papers when your fan is on... 

They can be a conversation piece when your friends come over…

And if you're looking for some variety, they change color when you put them under water.

 The benefits are endless.

Would you like a few small rocks for $1 each or a large one for $5?"

I asked, "What would you recommend I get?"

He said, "I strongly recommend the large rock because not only is it pretty to look at, but it's also functional."

😯 I told him that was a brilliant answer and told him I'd take the large rock. 

I asked what they were planning on using the money for…

The 2nd boy said, "Well with half of the money, we're going to buy a toy and candy at the store…

And with the other half, we're going to do something nice for our parents."

I said, "Well wow! How very sweet of you both. I love your giving hearts! 

Do you want to know something super cool about business?"

They both got all excited and said "YES PLEASE!"

I said, "The secret to having a very successful business involves 2 things. 

1. Always asking your client what they truly need, and then making sure your service or product can take extra great care of 

And #2 is that you always have a very special reason you're wanting to make money in the first place. 

Just using money to buy things can bring you those happy feelings for the moment…

But using it to do good things in the world brings those happy feelings for the rest of your life."

The 2nd boy literally jumped and said, “THAT'S WHAT WE'RE DOING!!! WE'RE DOING SOMETHING GOOD FOR OUR 

I said, "You sure do! And I'll be keeping this rock as a reminder of that lesson for myself!"

Then the 2nd boy whispered to the first boy, "See if she wants to buy a rock for her dog too."

Haha! I politely declined the 2nd rock, but sent them off with a round of applause for their courage to ask. 

So I bought this $5 rock…

Not because I needed it…

But because these precious little souls are going to do some massive good in this world. 

And that needs to be encouraged. 

You'll never fail when you lead your business from your heart. 

The money will come. 

I love you sweet friends.

Thank you for being my kind of people. 


Email 1: 
A Client's Email 
(Last email in a sequence leading from lead magnet delivery to sales page)

We all see the workout fads that are sweeping the nation...

Just do this one "magical exercise" and you'll lose the weight...
Just kill yourself during your workouts and you'll lose the weight...
Just this...just that...and a blah blah blah blah blah.  

With all these fads in the news, we need to understand WHY your weight loss efforts aren't working.

One of the most common things I see is people who continue to workout but never lose weight. This seems confusing doesn't it...because it seems like an obvious correlation - if you burn more calories than you consume, you should certainly lose the weight, right?  But no!

So what is the answer?

Working out without detoxing DOES...NOT...WORK!

Here's a rapid fire science lesson for you:
1. Toxins are stored in fat to keep us safe
2. When we start working out, those toxins are released into our blood stream
3.  If our body can't eliminate those toxins quickly enough, all hell breaks loose!
     👉 The fat doesn't leave because it has to take the toxins back in
     👉 We get headaches
     👉 We get colds right after we start a workout routine
     👉 We start nodding off in the afternoon
     👉 And we just flat out don't see the results!

It feels like a waste of time and money, and let's just all say it out loud together now...

Sweet friend, I have created a step-by-step 30-Day Weight Loss Detox Plan that is intended to be used alongside your workouts.  I can even coach you through it personally if you'd like!  

It's time for you to see the results you deserve and FEEL GOOD DOIN' IT MY FRIEND!

Just click this button to check it out!  
 [Button: SHOW ME MORE!]

Let's get our detox on!

Email 2: My Brand
(Leading to a course sales page)

The scariest day of my life?  Oh yes...that was 22 years ago.

The police told me that he CHOSE me out of all my friends at the party...

He watched us through the window and he after he snuck in the house....

I was his chosen victim.

I walked down the hallway from the living room to the kitchen...

And out of nowhere, some hands reached out of the bathroom...

Pulled me in...

Slammed the door...

And he started his vicious attack.

I nearly died that day...

But you know what?  I survived.

And would you like to know how I survived?

By using the only 3 self-defense moves I knew at the time...

But they worked.

They worked so well that I sent him off to prison with a broken nose.

My attack lit a fire in me.

It became my soul's passion to share the knowledge that will keep you safe and protected.

That's why I created a light-hearted yet powerful 30-minute online training that has 4 basic concepts that have saved lives all around the world.  

You'll gain immediate access to the training, and it will also be emailed to you, so you can save it for when you have a bit more time if need be. 

1. 5 basic self-defense techniques that set the foundation for your self-defense journey
2. How attackers choose their victims in the first place
3. How to stage your home to have the advantage over an intruder
4. Tricks to protecting your home against burglars

This training is a beginning look into the world of personal safety.  

It's not meant to be's meant to work. 

You can learn more & register for the training by clicking the button below!


Much love to you, sweet friend!

Copyright © 2019 Tiffany Armstrong™. All rights reserved.